Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hello, how are you?

I should have said this by email. Phone. SMS. Telegram. Telex. Carrier pigeon. Or even semaphore. To too many people. More often. So this is my mea culpa. I'm still alive. Still eating cheese. And chocolate. Talking about cuckoo clocks. And getting rather worryingly interested in railways. So the same as usual then. See you all soon. Where ever that may be.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Notes from the night gone by

Happiness is relative and rather hard to quantify
We are all ultimately scared of something
True wisdom often comes from the unlikeliest of sources
We can all fly if we want to

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The ugly city

"Its not a very attractive city is it?" she said. And I had to kind of agree. The grey concrete buildings around us would have meant any other response would have been rather inaccurate. But then I said that superficial impressions can sometimes be misleading. Behind the faceless apartment blocks, the drab shops and the truly appalling 1970 throw back restaurants, there's actually a beautiful city trying to break free.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Fast forward

Another second, minute, hour, day and then week. Passes so fast. When I was a child I would stare out of the window and time would seem to pass like an eternity. But now, it seems to be in overdrive. Someone is pressing the fast forward button and not willing to let go.