Monday, January 21, 2008

Abandon hope all seafood lovers...

Your defenders are quite frankly not fit for purpose. The words, a bunch of spinless weasels just doesn't do them justice....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Recurring dream

I'm told by letter. Or maybe telephone. Or email. Or some other way. Hell, I'm just told. I haven't finished my degree and I urgently need to do so. But didn't I graduate over 7 years ago? I remember that. Or maybe that was a dream and this is reality. Or maybe my sub-conscious is trying to ram a point home. Again and again.

Monday, January 14, 2008


He tries to write something with a hint of rhyme but as the day normally predicts such creativity is not possible. Indeed it is frowned upon. Triviality. On a Monday. Is he mad? Instead the mind over burdens itself with the reality that there are four more days like this to get through. Before the inevitably too short time out and then the preparation for the cycle to repeat again. And again. Until either the record eventually breaks or someone decides to chuck it out of the window.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A quote for today

The openness of the world, so unachievable in the realm of everyday reality, lives in our minds, in the superimposed layers of tangled and confused memories.
Ryszard Kapuscinski

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New beginnings?

After the talks. The realization. The expressed hopes. And fears. Comes the question.
Can I really make it happen? Watch this space.