Monday, July 31, 2006

When things go wrong they certainly can go wrong

Foreign country. Unknown town. Plane to catch. A hitch. A spanner in the works. Wrong train. Heading in completely the wrong direction. Where the hell am I. How do I get to where I need to go. Nice station lady. Some help. Hard truths. No trains. No busses. Only a taxi. How much. Gulp. Too much. Way too much. How can a taxi cost more than a flight. A moment. A decision. No real choice in the end. Rush to a cash machine. Jump in the cab. Time passes. Slowly. At the airport. Finally. Plane now delayed. Here we go. Connection may be lost. May be sleeping in another city. Another country tonight. My bed seems further away than ever.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Raising Lazarus

It lives! The prognosis is in, the miracle can be achieved, what was dead can be alive once again. Praise be.

The Quincy Game

Drink Once When:

..Quincy walks off in a huff.

..someone explains some obscure fact to Quincy
(like "Kids can buy these drugs over the counter ANYWHERE in America!")

(Drink twice if Quincy freaks out about that.)

..Quincy looks disappointed and turns away.

..Quincy ends a discussion with someone with a KILLER
phrase that obviously wins the conversation
(like "That's funny.. I thought you HAD...")

..Quincy complains about government/company red tape.

..Quincy goes somewhere to re-enact the crime that caused the episode

(Drink twice if Sam goes with him.)

..they end the episode at Danny's Restaurant.

Drink Twice When:

..a moral message is shoved down your throat.

..Quincy tells everyone ELSE something before he tells Sam.

..Sam asks Quincy to explain why he needs to do a lab test...

..the police detective gets upset with Quincy for doing his job

Drink Three Times When:

..Quincy gets awakened by a long lost friend while sleeping
on his boat.

..Dr. Astin (his supervisior) mentions his budget

Finish Keg When:

..Quincy says "You're a MURDERER!!!"

An idle thought

What do we ultimately want to get out of life? And how do we get it? Why do I have a nagging doubt that I should be doing something, anything, which doesn't involve staring at a computer screen? But then I have no idea what. Cooking, gardening, studying who knows. But something is missing for sure. Perhaps its the place, perhaps its the people, perhaps its just the day of the week or the lunar calendar. Or maybe I'm just restless, maybe I'm bored, maybe I just need a good kick up the backside and be told to 'snap out of it'. Maybe.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I recognise the feeling once more. The most unwelcome reminder of a time I hoped was a long time past. Must be calm, must relax, must not take it to heart, must remember what I have been told again and again. Breathe in, breathe out.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Into the blue

After a wait of over a year I finally dive into the crystal blue water of the lake. Cool water and sunshine in no particular order. And whilst discussing the day over an ice cold beer listening to a (not that bad) 70's cover band I say to myself 'I quite like this city'. Finally.....

Today's forecast

More sun. More heat. More sweat. More walking. More talking. More laughing. More discussing. More exploring. More discovering. More drinking. More eating. More sleeping. More smiling.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Another day, another hangover

So here we go again. The same headache, the same tiredness, the same bodily failure, the same moment of dread waking up on the couch, the same point when you say to yourself "not again", the same resolution that you will never do this again, the same knowledge that of course you will.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Perceived social ineptness, bills coming out of your ears, and the sudden desire to paint your toe nails blue. What does this all add up other than someone who probably isn't socially inept, is probably doing ok really, and who should seriously consider whether painting their toes nails (again) is a really a good way to impress people. But then again perhaps blue is my colour...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Criss cross

I'm here, then I'm there. I'm there, then I'm here. And in between there are only swathes of blue and green accompanied by the indescribable sound of a train heading towards oblivion.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

We all came back from Montreux

The train is packed with silent revellers. The party is over and now only the long journey home remains.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday morning

I wake up without a hangover. I think I might be ill.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Downs and ups

I wake up with that horrible hungover feeling. Too much alcohol, too little food and not enough sleep, you know the one. And then I face the realization that I have a whole day of work to get through before I can collapse in a heap on my bed and pray for the beer god's forgiveness. I attend a meeting where budget cuts and lay-offs are discussed. Not very nice. So far, so bad. The mood isn't good and my hangover is still fighting against me. But then I get some good news about my job, kinda expected, but a surprise none the less. So what do I want to do now? Have a drink of course. And then wait for the cycle to repeat...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Monsters luck in hidden places

When I returned to my apartment last night dead flies were everywhere. But when I return tonight they are all gone. No trace of them remains but a mystery begins.

Mouth in foot

Words come out backwards, or perhaps they are just mirrored going forwards. Hum ho.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Circus time

Circus time
Originally uploaded by majamee.
Proof that you can find something fun even at the end of your street. What is a rather dull piece of sculpture by day becomes a circus by night. I can only imagine what the Swiss neighbours thought. The horror! The horror!