Thursday, September 22, 2005

Who's a naughty boy then?

Am writing this from work so will be probably get deported if someone finds out.. if I don't post anything for a while, expect the worst!

Have lots to do but I've hit that mid afternoon "I can't be bothered" feeling, so I obviously need a break. I was a bit down yesterday (not a great work day and Emilie has gone away for 2 months) but felt much better this morning, looking at the world from my train carrage. It is such a nice place to live and work (lake, mountains, open fields and vineyards) that I can't describe it. Such a pleasant change from working in Old Street!

Take your pick: Old Street OR Lake Geneva

Ok, not a totally fair comparison, but you get the point!

Have decided to buy a new digital camera so I can start posting some pictures here.

Right, back to the grind stone I guess...

Ta for now...

1 comment:

ladelentes said...

old stree any time, mais oui

chin up, mr cole...think about all that skiing!