Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Quincy Game

Drink Once When:

..Quincy walks off in a huff.

..someone explains some obscure fact to Quincy
(like "Kids can buy these drugs over the counter ANYWHERE in America!")

(Drink twice if Quincy freaks out about that.)

..Quincy looks disappointed and turns away.

..Quincy ends a discussion with someone with a KILLER
phrase that obviously wins the conversation
(like "That's funny.. I thought you HAD...")

..Quincy complains about government/company red tape.

..Quincy goes somewhere to re-enact the crime that caused the episode

(Drink twice if Sam goes with him.)

..they end the episode at Danny's Restaurant.

Drink Twice When:

..a moral message is shoved down your throat.

..Quincy tells everyone ELSE something before he tells Sam.

..Sam asks Quincy to explain why he needs to do a lab test...

..the police detective gets upset with Quincy for doing his job

Drink Three Times When:

..Quincy gets awakened by a long lost friend while sleeping
on his boat.

..Dr. Astin (his supervisior) mentions his budget

Finish Keg When:

..Quincy says "You're a MURDERER!!!"

1 comment:

ladelentes said...

y'er funny!