Sunday, October 05, 2008


Now, I shouldn't probably admit this, at risk of being labelled a loony. But I sometimes talk to myself. Thankfully It doesn't involve speaking in tongues, using the third person, or anything like that. So I've always put it down as being rather harmless. Or at least that's what I say to myself. Rather literally.

Family, previous partners. They've all put up with it in some shape or form. Thankfully.

Since I was young it was always a way of getting thoughts out into the open, whereby the act of seemingly just saying something out loud made it somehow more real. And when it was real it could be acted upon. Or not as the case may be.

But of late it seems the words just go round in circles. And ultimately nothing is done about them. Inevitable perhaps as the person listening is the same person as the one speaking. So not really the best place to find vigorous debate and argument. But at what point do you decide that enough is enough. That it's time to say shut up to yourself and just move on with life.

Answers on a postcard please to the usual address....


anadeusto said...

i do it too, sometimes, effective to different degrees; normally not so much
i normally tell myself off, for something i should have done
future debates, i found were more sucessfully conducted in the pub
barman, glass or a random person good listeners by definition

Joanna Benn said...

I do it too but I actually have imaginary conversations with all sorts of people in my mind -past, present and future. I see it as a healthy sign of a creative mind -it'll go in the novel one day...