Thursday, October 13, 2005

Change is in the air

The crossroads comes ever closer, or maybe it is a T junction after all, as going straight ahead as before doesn't seem possible.

I've just had some beers, watched some football (I'm sorry, I am a bloke after all) and things seem better, or maybe I am just a bit pissed so have forgotten about things. In any case they are for tomorrow...

So good night all, sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite, and fingers crossed tomorrow it won't be raining...

P.S. apologies for the Leonard Cohen in an earlier post... god his songs are depressing...

1 comment:

ladelentes said...

yes, stop the cohen! it's enough to make you kill someone.

T junctions are always a little bit surprising. i particularly like them when they have strange names written on signposts, with little arrows pointing the if there was somewhere else to go.