Saturday, October 15, 2005

Some good news! About bloody time...

Blood sugar levels are down, the drugs are working, regular insulin injections (always hard for someone who is afraid of needles) hopefully not now needed. Not me, but someone I care for very deeply and who has always been there for me.

So the first piece of bad news from this week looks like it will turn out ok. Same probably can't be said for the rest, but I'm actually happy for the first time in a week!!

I would start singing now but for two minor points:

a) my singing voice is terrible and probably contravenes the Geneva convention
b) you wouldn't get it stereo on the blog

come to think of it... Ignore a) my voice is amazing and I am seriously thinking of taking it up professionally.

'There may be sunshine....' voice drowns into cyber space

1 comment:

ladelentes said...

soldier on, soldier!

let's make a band together...and podcast the results!