Thursday, December 22, 2005

Home is where the heart is

Strange. I'm now back in London and things feel so different.

Where once this was my home and I felt so natural here, now it feels so different. I've met some friends already, had a nice beer, done the usual stuff. And more will follow over the coming days. There are so many people here I want to see, people who I have missed over the last few months. A chance encounter on the street brings it back. I'm told about how a close friend is getting on and I realise that it is all news to me. To be honest I haven't been very good at keeping in touch. And that is something I regret.

But there is still else, something deeper, amiss. 6 months may not be a long time in the grand scheme of things but in a city like this it is an eternity. New bars have replaced old ones, new building have sprung out of nowhere.

I now feel like a stranger here. Almost like the first time I came here with my parents many, many years ago. I would stare at the buildings, all the people and the sheer size of the place. Only now I am a little bit taller.

Has London changed or is the change actually within me?

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